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On a growth course with an experienced Chief Risk Officer (CRO)

axytos appoints renowned industry expert Matthias Schubert as Managing Director

Few top managers in the industry have as extensive and many years of experience as he does: Matthias Schubert (55) strengthens as Chief Risk Officer since the 1st April the management of axytos GmbH. The new CRO is intended to play a decisive role in shaping the national and international growth of axytos in B2B and B2C. One of his primary tasks is to further establish axytos as a leading innovator in white label BNPL enabling and to respond flexibly to the individual business models and risks of axytos customers.

Matthias Schubert with impressive vita

Matthias Schubert, born in Düsseldorf, studied mathematics and computer science in Frankfurt and Karlsruhe before the father of three adult children was appointed to senior positions of well-known companies in the course of his professional career. As Managing Director of Deutsche Multiauskunftei GmbH, he took over, among other things, the development of the new Analytics unit for process optimisation in receivables management as well as the development of data products for the automation of processes. Previously, Schubert worked as Head of Analytics at GFKL Financial Services AG (today Lowell Financial Services GmbH), headed the Analysis and Reporting department of Infoscore Finance AG (today arvato infoscore), was head of the Competence Centre Customer Risk of SHS Viveon AG and a member of the management board of Deltavista GmbH (today CRIF).

axytos Managing Director Dr. Karsten von Diemar: “Matthias Schubert is one of the very few experts in the market with comprehensive expertise in innovative and complex risk management solutions. As a member of the management board, he will help shape the strategy of axytos and be part of the success story.”


Intensive educational work is in the beginning

What exactly are the tasks in which Matthias Schubert can successfully use his experience and comprehensive industry expertise? The new axytos Chief Risk Officer explains this as follows: “First of all, intensive educational work must be carried out in a holistic approach. We must clarify the immense possibilities of the axytos platform and demonstrate its intelligent tools to meet our claim as a leading player in the BNPL enabling market. I consider it a special challenge to serve several thousand customers, because our IT products enable the tailor-made solution configuration, so that the realisation of all customer needs is possible.”

Matthias Schubert, since the 1st April Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of the axytos management: “Analysis and innovation are on our agenda. Our common goal is to get better every day!”


Risk projects are defined by the acceptance rate

At first glance, these elementary tasks still have little in common with the classic job description of a risk manager. Matthias Schubert makes this clear: “Our customers, for example in e-commerce, are always about risk assessments: Can a merchant offer certain customers purchase on account? Can he trust that the buyer will transfer the money within the agreed payment term? Such risk projects are defined by the acceptance rate, not by the default rate. But why should companies invest a lot of money for a new customer and then reject him? Here, the cloud-based axytos platform supports e-commerce and retail, but also banks and PSP with better data and higher data quality. And this leads to an increase in the acceptance rate by at least two to three percent, i.e. a lot of money for a trader! My personal and so far also very successful approach to risk management is: Analytically question the gut feeling, bring the criteria and parameters into a manageable form and then pour them into individual, automated processes. Analysis and innovation are on our agenda. Our common goal is to get better every day!”

Analytical skills bring axytos forward

We are proud to have an excellent industry expert on board with Matthias Schubert, emphasises axyto’s Managing Director Dr. Karsten von Diemar, “and we are sure that his analytical skills will shape the success strategy of axytos. On the one hand, Matthias Schubert can significantly support our customers in their risk projects thanks to his expertise. On the other hand, the innovative solutions of the axytos platform are in charge of the lead.”


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